La empresa de la identidad

Este estudio analiza la influencia de las marcas comerciales y las redes sociales en la construcción de las subjetividades juveniles mediante los grafitis de rúbrica como parte del paisaje semiótico en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. A trav…

Escritura y muerte

La muerte, desde tiempos inmemoriales, es un lugar tabuado social y psicológicamente, y el cementerio, como espacio reservado a la presentización de ese tabú, se resisten al paso del tiempo. El principio de finitud está en cada pasillo del c…

“How can we refuse the gift of spirits?” Ontological conflicts between indigenous hunting practices and conservation projects in northern Mongolia

Conflicts between indigenous people and state authorities over conservation projects are increasing in many parts of the world, as traditional indigenous territories mostly coincide with areas that hold 80% of the world’s biodiversity. Although both in…

LAUGRAND Frédéric & Antoine LAUGRAND, 2023. Des voies de l’ombre. Quand les chauves-souris sèment le trouble

Un ouvrage d’anthropologie de la nature, novateur en ce qu’il place une épine dans le pied de l’évidence classificatoire naturaliste. Un travail de longue haleine, hors norme, basé sur de vastes comparaisons, une démarche encyclopédique savante, doublée d’une iconographie passionnante et soignée mise au service de l’argumentation, dont les admirables dessins de l’illustratrice Virginie Gilbert introduisent chaque chapitre. Le livre traite principalement de la question suivante : de quels[…]

Comptes-rendus d’ouvrages


Reindeer herders in the green sacrifice zone: The cumulative impacts of past extractivist dispossessions and recent mining expansion in Sodankylä, Finland

The European Union is pushing for critical mineral self-sufficiency to meet its goal of transitioning to a low-carbon society, and also supporting strategic defense objectives. The raw materials needed for this transition are creating so-called ‘green …

Movement without a movement: Food self-provisioning in Eastern Europe and the Balkans as emergent transformation towards a degrowth mode of living

The intimate links between agri-food systems and degrowth economics has only recently been addressed in the extant scholarship, much of which centers on the contributions of “food self-provisioning” (FSP) as a type of (often urban and peri-urban) pract…