Productive Decontextualization
Journal Name: Social AnalysisVolume: 67Issue: 3Pages: 82-89
Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
Journal Name: Social AnalysisVolume: 67Issue: 3Pages: 82-89
Journal Name: Anthropological Journal of European CulturesVolume: 32Issue: 2Pages: 45-67
Journal Name: Social AnalysisVolume: 67Issue: 3Pages: 66-74
Journal Name: Social AnalysisVolume: 67Issue: 3Pages: 90-101
This article examines birthday party decorations as a way of understanding the materiality and religious place-making of an expanding Baptist congregation in central Sweden in the early twentieth century. The fiftieth birthday party for Magnus Johanson…
The purpose of this article is to investigate how memory activists from 2008 onwards used the past in their advocacy work for the restoration of the university church in Leipzig. The Paulinerkirche was built as a Dominican monastery church in the first…
This article analyses mechanisms of heritagisation that transformed oil from a natural to a cultural resource through the case study of the Branobel corporation, which operated in Azerbaijan from the late nineteenth century, and by reflecting on the ro…
The article investigates the complex negotiation process regarding the renovation of St Catherine’s church in St Petersburg. Additionally, the goal is to gain novel understanding of how former religious spaces can be transformed and highlight the vario…
The proliferation of religious heritage seems to flow self-evidently from the processes of de-churching and secularization taking place in many European societies. Although having become redundant or outdated, certain religious buildings, objects or pr…
The current issue of Approaching Religion is based on a conference arranged in Åbo/Turku, Finland, in November 2022, with the theme ‘Religious Heritage and Change in the North’. The conference was organized jointly by the research network Religious His…
The value of diaconia is difficult to measure, its immaterial assets not easily grasped. In this article, I contribute to the area in analysing the perspective of 22 deacons on what is most important in their job and what could potentially be of greate…
The article takes as its point of departure the notion that the Scandinavian countries have been dominated by a monocultural Lutheranism. This notion is nuanced by focusing on everyday life and oppositional voices. In the nineteenth century, the Luther…
In the small village of Kinnarumma in western Sweden an old wooden church was replaced by a new church buildning in the early twentieth century. The old church was de-sacralized by being moved to an open-air museum in Borås and used there for exhibitio…
El presente Dossier titulado “Etnografías de Moda en el Desierto de Atacama”, representa una valiosa compilación de trabajos diversos, todos ellos integrados en el marco del proyecto Diseño y formas de vestir en el Desierto de Atacama. El enfoque princ…
En este artículo se investiga la vestimenta en la oficina salitrera María Elena durante el ciclo extractivo Guggenheim, centrándose en el calzado utilizado por los residentes. Se examinó el contexto, uso y significado de los zapatos masculinos “calamor…
Prefiguration is a term borrowed from political science, describing the experimentation with alternative ways of living, doing and being together in the present as a form of activism. In this article I will argue that cinema can be a powerful tool that…
Abstract This article examines ways to analyze and understand the social and cultural transformation that occurred after the 2011 uprising in downtown Cairo. We argue for a cultural sociological perspective using a renewed version of the concept “the s…
Live-action role-playing (larp) is characterized by participants’ physical and mental immersion in a storyworld, played out in a specific location during a fixed period of time. Most of the immersion is realized during the live event itself, where a co…
There are plenty of objects that are conspicuous in the way they signal to the surroundings that the user has some kind of physical impairment. Most obvious are perhaps wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs, hearing aids and crutches. These objects can…
La presente investigación se centra en el uso de trajes de mar en el hábitat costero de Tongoy. Las actividades relacionadas con el mar requieren el uso de prendas que sean lo suficientemente impermeables para las actividades al aire libre y que manten…
Esta investigación se enfoca en el guardarropa de las mujeres de la comunidad indígena de Socaire, ubicada en la región atacameña. Se examinó las prendas de vestir utilizadas tanto en el día a día como en las festividades, con el objetivo de comprender…
La arqueología del salitre desarrollada en los últimos 15 años ha contribuido a “hacer visibles” una serie de materialidades, agentes, prácticas y/o procesos sociales difíciles de identificar o poco investigados desde la documentación escrita, contribu…
Se propone un modelo de análisis cerámico que busca reconstruir tradiciones y estilos mediante la comparación de aspectos visibles y ocultos de los tipos cerámicos. Ello asume que cada vasija tiene un grupo de aspectos altamente visibles que destacan …
This article analyses women’s accounts about hormonal contraceptives in Tanzania, and the social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that cause them to use such contraceptives, even as they called them ‘feki’ (Swahili for fake). Drawing on four…
In recent decades, the scientific and medical literature has routinely argued that ‘fake’ drugs present a pressing threat to global health. However, this article steps back from the chorus surrounding fake drugs to ask what wider issues have been at st…