Rebel Attentiveness

Living under Israeli occupation, Palestinians face countless controls over their daily lives and movement. This research focuses on the reflections of cycling group founders and participants in the occupied West Bank, who ride despite effort…

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
The CAES editorial team awaits for your contributions for CAES Vol. 11, № 1, that is going to be published in late February – early March 2025. The deadline for submission of papers is February 17, 2025.

Espacio público y diversidad

En las sociedades europeas actualmente puede observarse una creciente participación de las confesiones religiosas minoritarias en el ámbito público. En el caso de España, una de las manifestaciones religiosas en el espacio público que ha cob…

Embarrassment and wild caught meat

In the initial COVID-19 pandemic, much speculation was made about what, exactly, Chinese appetites involved, and whether Chinese had a penchant for sourcing and consuming wild caught meat. Accusations abounded, principally (but not exclusively) …

CAES Vol. 10, № 4

Editor’s foreword  Articles Some advances in reading and understanding the Phaistos disc inscription Alexander Akulov Minoan is a close relative of Hattic, and so Hattic should be used as the key for deciphering the Phaistos disc. Now phonetic values of some previously illegible signs have been clarified: 01 – je, 21 – ne, 23 – […]

Greyness Is Aged, Bearded Is Adult

I explore how Yoruba people ascertain who is junior, who is senior, and the mark of equality beyond obvious age, as well as the social function of these distinctions in everyday life. The social ranking of people as either senior, junior or …

Seniority in Midwifery in Tanzania

Concepts of seniority and elderhood were important structuring elements in many societies of precolonial Africa and were connected with social status. This changed with the European colonization of Africa, and strongly affected traditional c…