Emotional tapestry of small cities

The paper investigates the emotional foundation of sense of place in small urban environments. The study was based on an anonymous questionnaire exploring various emotions in relation to urban environments in two small northern cities Haparanda (Sweden…

Forum: Culture and History in the Pacific

The year 2021 saw the open-access republication of Culture and History in the Pacific (ed. Jukka Siikala), an edited volume originally published by the Finnish Anthropological Society. Suomen antropologi: The Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Soci…

Gender and Barbecue

Barbecuing is often highlighted as one of the most masculine forms of cooking. In this paper, I will analyse a recent Netflix documentary series, Chef’s Table: BBQ, with portraits of four different barbecue chefs, including two women. The barbec…

Africa’s Middle Classes

Africa Spectrum, Ahead of Print. Since the early 21st century, the middle classes of the Global South became a focus of attention. However, a precarious minimum income was all it took to be considered middle class. But who exactly is middle class? As t…

Cos trencat per la meitat: abordar l’experiència d’un immigrant afrobrasiler de violència obstètrica i racisme a Portugal mitjançant la creació d’art.

En aquest article abordo el tema de la violència obstètrica, a través de l’anàlisi de la representació de l’experiència de part d’una migrant afrobrasilera a Portugal, materialitzada en un treball que integra la Galeria d’Experiències Obstètriques (Gal…