There’s a Hinterland in Me

Northern Norrland has a long history of domestic colonialism and internal migration. However, in the latter half of the twentieth century the region has seen a decline in population, job opportunities and welfare services. This study analyses how conte…

CAES Vol. 10, № 1

Editor’s foreword  Articles New data on the etymology of the Ainu word kamuy Alexander Akulov, Tresi Nonno Previously it was shown that Ainu is a relative to the Sino-Tibetan family. The Ainu word kamuy is a compound of two roots: ka and muy. The component ka correlates with the Proto-Sino-Tibetan *kăŋH – “tie”, and *Kat […]

Call for papers: food and crises

In the 20th century, the increase of world population was backed up by the industrialisation of production and food consumption. However, neither high productivity nor mass consumption prevented malnutrition and periods of starvation, in the Nor…

Notes de recherches

Appel à contributions
Dans l’optique de faciliter l’accès aux recherches en cours sur l’alimentation, la revue Anthropology of Food crée une nouvelle rubrique intitulée Notes de Recherches.
La note se veut être un document sommaire …

Research Notes

Call for papers
With the view to facilitate access to current research on food sciences, the Journal Anthropology of Food is creating a new collection: Research Notes.
The paper should be a short document presenting the current state…