Cosmopolitan Society and its Enemies

Since the end of the Cold War, the world has not abandoned ‘the dream of cosmopolitan peace’ (Alexander 2005). The adjective ‘cosmopolitan’ refers to the political and philosophical concept that all human beings are members of a single community. In th…

Commentary: Aging Places: A Review Essay

This Commentary reflects on the convergence of social and geographical gerontology as presented in two books addressing place and aging with and without dementia. The two books are expansive in scope, exploring aging and dementia research and care prac…

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
CAES editorial team awaits for your contributions for CAES Vol. 10, № 2, that is going to be published in early June 2024. The deadline for submission of papers is May 20, 2024.

Relations as Immunity: Building Community Resilience

Resilience—a term that originated in mathematical ecology—now commonly refers to the ability to thrive in the face of trauma and adversity. This Position Piece reflects on both the charisma and political lability of resilience in the early 21st century…