Natural Resources and their Units
Journal Name: Anthropological Journal of European CulturesVolume: 29Issue: 1Pages: 63-79
Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
Journal Name: Anthropological Journal of European CulturesVolume: 29Issue: 1Pages: 63-79
Think pieces: An attempt to compare the logboat found by A. A. Inostrantsev with some logboats of Neolithic and Early Metal Ages found in Europe Alexander Akulov As far as a the logboat found by Inostrantsev in the southern coast of Lake Ladoga has not been dated properly yet by carbon-14 method, so in the […]
A Multispecies Reading of Mao Dun’s “Spring Silkworms” by Qieyi Liu (University of Toronto) February 21, 2020 . How we narrate our past matters, since the way we perceive history shapes how we understand the present and proje…
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Commentary on the Opening Lecture, “A Window into Twenty Years of Amazonianist Anthropology in Peru (1997–2017)” proffered by Jean-Pierre Chaumeil at the XI Salsa conference and featured in the previous volume of Tipití (15:105–117).
En febrero de 2018, Víctor Zorrilla, un hombre Yine de mayor edad que vive en el sudeste de Perú, fue asesinado por los mashco piro mientras estaba cazando. Zorrilla se había encontrado con los mashco piro, los que consideraba como parientes, nomol…
Ofereço a perspectiva da ecologia política para rever e atualizar a política de “isolamento” e “não-contato” com base nos conceitos de soberania e necropolítica, sugerindo uma nova proposta de prática política para situações de conflitos em territó…
Este artigode opiniãoé a transcrição dos comentários de Make Turu, liderança Matis, feitos na SALSAXI Sesquiannual Conference, em Lima. Make Turu cobra a participação e o protagonismoefetivodo movimento indígena nos processos de contato e de proteç…
Nestled in the Himalayan range of Uttarakhand in India, Kalap may soon have a motorable road. Till then the village continues to be 10 kilometres uphill on foot from the nearest road. The film delves into the lives of the people of Kalap, who for gener…
2020-01-30 – This article looks at French television during and after the post-war period to explor…
2020-01-30 – In its long history of airing the popular crime series Midsomer Murders does not only …
2020-01-30 – In this article, the intersection of the economic and social dimensions of thrift is a…
Capture as an Idiom for More-than-Human Entanglements by Chakad Ojani, PhD student (University of Manchester) January 30, 2020 We have barely finished installing Sergio’s fog catcher before he exclaims: “Look how the water is tri…
This article looks at French television during and after the post-war period to explore the relationships that programmes systematically established between home-making in social housing, housekeeping money management and women. It sheds light on the g…
In its long history of airing the popular crime series Midsomer Murders does not only present various murder cases but also a glimpse into the opinions on gender, sexuality, age and ethnicity. These opinions mirror the attitude of the producers as well…
Concepts of thrift and dwelling are central to how societies live together. Thrift refers to a complex and morally-loaded set of economic practices that people engage with out of necessity, choice, or both. Whilst home-making or dwelling refers to soci…
In this article, the intersection of the economic and social dimensions of thrift is analysed under the special condition of debt. The debt context serves as a focal glass exposing agents, their social practices and strategies of accumulation capitals …
This thematic section of Culture Unbound brings together five articles which in very different ways invite us to reflect on the importance of examples in the discourse on climate change. At first glance, such an invitation might be surprising, if not p…
During the past decades, notions of Earth dynamics and climate change have changed drastically, as anthropogenic CO2-emissions are linked to measurable Earth system changes. At the same time, Earth scientists have discovered deep time climate changes t…
Can grain crops be increased? The issue was heatedly debated in 18th century Denmark-Norway, both for patriotic and economic reasons. The historian Gerhard Schøning (1722–80) answered affirmatively. Chopping down much of the forests that covered Norway…
No abstract available.
This article explores how hurricanes are used in news media to exemplify the consequences of climate change. This is done by a close reading of Norwegian newspaper articles on the hurricanes Katrina (2005), Sandy (2012), Harvey and Irma (both 2017). Th…
This paper will explore the ways in which thrift operates as a signifier of a specific type of lprecarity and imperfection in young women’s lives in several popular series associated with the current ‘golden age’ of women’s television production. The t…
In the years following the 2008 global financial crisis (“GFC”), feminist media scholarship has drawn attention to the gendered calls in Western media culture to remake subjectivity in line with imperatives of thrift required in conditions of austerity…