Call for Papers: Our data, their data. Personal experiences and social practices of privacy and surveillance

Extended deadline for manuscript submission: June 7th, 2018 We invite research notes, articles, essays and book reviews that explore make visible and intelligible emerging practices of surveillance, their impact on privacy, and the roles of algorithms in social life. We welcome texts from multiple disciplines and genres. Send manuscripts at In light of persistent […]

Welcome to kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology

kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology is a new scientific journal issued by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG). No articles have been published yet. Editors-in-Chief: Professor Sten Hagberg, Uppsala University, and Associate Professor Jörgen Hellman, University of Gothenburg Publisher: SSAG Start year: 2018 Domain name: Language: English The website was started 16 …

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