The Firstborn Laestadians and the sacraments

Firstborn Laestadians represent one branch of the Laestadian revival movement following the so-called Great Division of around the turn of the twentieth century. This article examines two concepts; ‘the priesthood of all believers’ and ‘the preacher’, …

Care, longing, and control

This article analyses representations of Conservative Laestadianism in contemporary Finnish and Finnish-American popular culture. Drawing from political studies, religious studies and cultural studies, the article sheds light on the ways in which Conse…

Approaching Laestadianism

The aim of this thematic issue on research on the Laestadian movement is to dwell with and look back on how the research on Laestadius and the Laestadian movement has developed, but at the same time show the latest developments in this research. In ord…

A research history of Laestadianism in Norway

This article provides an overview and discusses the history of research on Laestadianism in Norway over the last 60 years. Research history earlier than 1960 and doctoral theses are discussed in this issue of Approaching Religion by Roald E. Kristianse…

Depictions of Laestadianism 1850–1950

The issue to be discussed here is how society’s views of the Laestadian revival has changed over the course of the revival movement’s first 100 years. The article claims that society’s emerging view of the revival is characterized by two different posi…

Approaching Laestadianism as an insider researcher

In this article, I discuss my experiences of being an insider researching Laestadianism. I present my research, noting the advantages and disadvantages, ending with a conclusion in which I refer to the discussion among anthropologists and ethnolog…

Call for Papers: The socio-economic realities of post-industrial capitalism

We invite articles, research notes, essays and book reviews that discuss how social realities are structured, constructed and experienced under the logic of post-industrial capitalism. We welcome texts from multiple disciplines and genres. Deadline for manuscript submissions: August 17th, 2020 Send manuscripts at Business models are not culturally neutral; instead, they significantly shape various […]

“Social change plays out conflictively on the terrain of language”: interview with Monica Heller (University of Toronto professor)

Resumo Sofrimento, ansiedades e incertezas estão por toda a parte em face da pandemia de Covid-19. Tem sido uma experiência impactante, contudo cada vez mais comum. Nas últimas décadas, diferentes domínios de interesse, como aquele das emergências sani…

Microbiopolitics and sanitary regulation: disagreements between science and local knowledge in the production of artisanal cheese in Minas Gerais

Resumo Este artigo analisa a relação da produção de queijos artesanais em Minas Gerais com imposições da regulação sanitária, configuradas em instrumentos e mecanismos de biossegurança, conformados em mercados internacionais, que constroem uma imagem d…