“This Child Is This Small Only on His Age”

This paper examines the emic concepts pertaining to age in Ngəmba, a language spoken in the Western Region of Cameroon. It explores both the terminological concepts available in the language for talking about age and their usage in everyday …

Power and Age

Spencer (1965, 1988, 1993, 2003) theorizes two distinct strands in the life course of a Maasai male. The first strand is the building of a cattle herd and a family, and the second is developing involvement in the age class system. The second…

Augmented Authority

The paper describes changed elderhood in Sukuma-speaking villages in Tanzania through a combined situational and cultural analysis, starting with the traditional role of (re)generation and medicine in practices of greeting. Elderhood, I argu…

“I’m Bigger!”

Pre-school age children in European contexts are known to use labels like ‘big’ and ‘small’ to orient to age differences, very often to highlight differences in physical and social competence (Häll 2022). This research report explores Datoog…

Doing Being Senior/Junior

In this article, I will reconsider the naming and kinship relationships of the !Xun San in north-central Namibia from the perspective of child socialization. I will thereby deconstruct the naturalized view in which ‘relative age’ (a concept …

Training as a Rite of Passage

Following the transformative journey of Kenyan geothermal professionals throughout a training programme in Iceland and back to their homes, I argue that such long-term training in foreign countries can function as a rite of passage. The coll…

ALÌ Maurizio, 2023. Autochtonie et question éducative dans les Outre-mer. Une enquête comparative en Guyane et en Polynésie française

La question posée par l’inclusion scolaire des communautés autochtones de l’Outre-mer français a stimulé un grand nombre de recherches, notamment dans l’aire océanienne. Les travaux de nombreux océanistes – dont Bruno Saura (2008), Rodica Ailincai et Sandra Sramski (2020), Isabelle Nocus, Jacques Vernaudon et Mirose Paia (2014), Marie Salaün ([bb=2016|SALAÜN Marie, 2016. « Citoyens en principe, indigènes en (…)

Comptes-rendus d’ouvrages


“Before, we didn’t eat manioc flour”: Historical and social transformations in food techniques among Indigenous Peoples of the Rio Negro basin in the Brazilian Amazon

Manioc flour is currently considered one of the main foods consumed by Indigenous peoples in the Northwest Amazon. It is fundamental both to the traditional diet and to adding an “Indigenous flavor” to urban dishes. This article presents an analysi…