On the Water Shed of Becoming Old

Abstract   This paper is about the relations between work, rhythm and life course among a group of elderly members of a rice paddy collective in Kyoto, Japan. Through the stories of people’s professional work, personal lives and recreational activ…

Experiencing Silence

This short text is a simple reflection on the meanings and importance of silence. Starting from the sensory experience of silence he had with the local informant at Kennin-ji in Kyoto, Japan, the author reflects on the various meanings of silence. On t…

Agir en intrus dans les musées. Inclusions, controverses, exclusions et patrimoines

Appel à propositions de la revue Ethnographiques.org Date limite de soumission : 23 avril 2023

Coordination : Christian Hottin, Dominique Schoeni et Thierry Wendling

Le 14 octobre 2022, à la National Gallery de Londres, un jet de soupe à la tomate sur un bouquet de tournesols – opportunément protégé par une vitre – fait plus parler pour la sauvegarde de la planète que bien des rapports d’experts. L’acte déchaîne aussitôt toutes sortes de commentaires, traduisant l’incompréhension souvent, motivant de[…]

Appels à contribution

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
The CAES editorial team awaits for your contributions for CAES Vol. 9, № 2 that is going to be published in late May – early June 2023. The deadline for submission of papers is May 22, 2023.

InVisible Culture has a new home.

Visit our new site at https://www.invisibleculturejournal.com/ In the 25 years since InVisible Culture was founded, the online journal has taken a few different forms. In 2012 IVC moved from its original website to WordPress. In 2022 we moved to a new …

CAES Vol. 9, № 1

Think pieces: On the etymology of the hydronym Oredezh Alexander Akulov The hydronym Oredezh has neither Uralic nor Indo-European etymology, but can be explained through the language of the people who lived in the region in the Neolithic period. Those people spoke a language that was a juncture between Yeniseian languages, Caucasian languages, Hattic, and […]

In Our Time We Had Few Vaccines: Grandparenting as Support and Strategy towards the Immunisation of Children below the Age of Five in Ibadan, Nigeria

The institution of grandparenthood holds an important cultural role as a significant socializing agent for younger generations. Decisions on the care and well-being of new entrants to the family are affected primarily by the views of grandparents. Gran…

Death and beyond

Based on extensive ethnography, this article investigates how contemporary Finnish hospice patients talk – or remain silent – about their own approaching death, and the imageries relating to death and the possible afterlife. I explore how the thought o…

Deathscapes in Finnish funerals during Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted and reshaped experiences of bodily disposal and memorialization around the world. One key characteristic of almost all religious practices and traditions is the centrality of face-to-face gatherings (Baker et al. 202…

Pandemic funerals in Norway

During the Covid-19 pandemic, funerals have been conducted consistently in Norway, but, of course, the ceremonies were subject to rules and regulations, while digitization was on the increase. Against the background of already ongoing discussions, both…

Forest burials in Denmark

Burial in the forest is a recent, non-confessional alternative to the established cemeteries owned and run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. Danish forest burials fulfil common criteria for non-religion and they are an example of instituti…

Critical-feminist studies of funerals

This article aims to show how critical-feminist studies can improve research on funerals by contributing to a more complex understanding of ritualization and how it can be explored. The article discusses central issues within critical-feminist theory i…

Until death do us part?

In life, identity is based on many things. In death, people tend to be identified more on the basis of religion: separate cemeteries for Jews, Buddhists and the Plymouth Brethren, separate quarters for Muslims, Yezidis, Bahá’í and Orthodox Christians. …