Unveiling Hatred

Although anti-Muslim hate crimes have been on the rise in most Western nations for decades, according to influential hate crime scholar, Barbara Perry, little attention has been given to the particular vulnerability of veiled Muslim females to such cri…

Adele Clarke, Donna Haraway, Making kin. Fare parentele, non popolazioni, edizione italiana e traduzione a cura di Angela Balzano, Antonia Ferrante, Federica Timeto, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2022, pp. 234

Book review of Adele Clarke, Donna Haraway, Making kin. Fare parentele, non popolazioni, edizione italiana e traduzione a cura di Angela Balzano, Antonia Ferrante, Federica Timeto, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2022, pp. 234.

Ethnopoetic Transcription and Multimodal Archives

Oral Tradition, 36/1 (2023):123-48 Slam is a relatively young genre of poetry, created in 1985 by a Chicago construction worker named Marc Smith, who sought to challenge ivory tower ideas about creating and evaluating poetry (Woods 2008:18). Extant slam poetry scholarship is neither as prolific nor as comprehensive as that on some of its performance […]

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Memoria traumática y movilización ciudadana. Las retóricas del conflicto entre las diferentes propuestas memoriales sobre el monumento a la batalla del Ebro de Tortosa

En estos momentos, en la ciudad de Tortosa estamos asistiendo a un debate en relación con el monumento sobre la batalla del Ebro. Con el paso del tiempo y la hegemonía de otros valores sociales y políticos, este monumento se ha convertido en un problem…


Gender is a primary key for understanding Islam and Muslims in present day Scandinavia. Through norms and regulations, gender has proven inherent to how Islam is governed, perceived, and debated in public, but also pivotal for how Scandinavian Muslims …

Tobias Boos, Daniela Salvucci, eds, Cultures in mountain areas. Comparative perspectives / Culture in aree di montagna. Prospettive comparative / Kuturenin Gebirgsregionen. Vergleichende Perspectiven, Bozen-Bolzano, University Press, 2022, pp. 310

Book review of Tobias Boos, Daniela Salvucci, eds, Cultures in mountain areas. Comparative perspectives / Culture in aree di montagna. Prospettive comparative / Kuturenin Gebirgsregionen. Vergleichende Perspectiven, Bozen-Bolzano, University Press…