Introduction to Varia 2024

In 2009, AoFood editorial committee launched a new collection: “Varia in progress”. The object of this collection is to welcome all year long quality and varied contributions, that would not be suitable for current call for papers or special iss…

Introduction au Numéro Varia 2024

En 2008, le comité éditorial d’AoFood lançait une nouvelle formule de publication, « Varia, le numéro permanent ». L’objectif de ce numéro permanent est d’accueillir tout au long de l’année, des contributions variées de qualité, qui ne répondent…

Family Support and Migration in Nigeria

Africa Spectrum, Ahead of Print. Using novel large-N survey data collected from the state of Edo – Nigeria’s migration epicentre – this study examines how family support relates to people’s migration aspirations and their perception of the risks associ…

Family Support and Migration in Nigeria

Africa Spectrum, Ahead of Print. Using novel large-N survey data collected from the state of Edo – Nigeria’s migration epicentre – this study examines how family support relates to people’s migration aspirations and their perception of the risks associ…

Editorial Note

Happy 2025, readers! It gives me great pleasure to present this year’s Winter Issue of Suomen antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. This issue contains three peer-reviewed articles, three book review essays, and four research rep…

Women and Kula

This article argues that the hosting of kula partners is an important part of the exchange system that requires more attention. Women’s management of their households and resources, their training of children, and the internal networks that provide for…