Book Review: Kramer, E. A. (2022). The Candidate’s Dilemma. Anticorruptionism and Money Politics in Indonesian Election Campaigns.
Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
This article examines the health and safety challenges of food delivery couriers in Southeast Asia within the gig economy, focusing on the roles of third-party platforms, like GrabFood, Foodpanda, and GoFood. It critically assesses how these platfor…
The media plays an important role in disseminating vital information and being ‘watchdogs’ of government misconduct. Press freedom is constitutionally guaranteed in the Philippines, but the space for journalists and media companies continues to shrink….
Les vins de qualité se sont construits en France autour de la notion de « terroir ». La définition de celle-ci est cependant très controversée. Geneviève Teil oppose, dans ses travaux, la dichotomie entre un terroir qui serait défini par les sci…
In the 20th century, the increase of world population was backed up by the industrialisation of production and food consumption. However, neither high productivity nor mass consumption prevented malnutrition and periods of starvation, in the Nor…
Appel à contributions
Dans l’optique de faciliter l’accès aux recherches en cours sur l’alimentation, la revue Anthropology of Food crée une nouvelle rubrique intitulée Notes de Recherches.
La note se veut être un document sommaire …
Call for papers
With the view to facilitate access to current research on food sciences, the Journal Anthropology of Food is creating a new collection: Research Notes.
The paper should be a short document presenting the current state…
Au 20e siècle, l’augmentation de la population mondiale a été soutenue par une industrialisation de la production et de la consommation alimentaires. Pourtant, ni l’agriculture à haut rendement ni l’accès à la consommation alimentaire de masse n…
Les médias et les travaux universitaires ont porté un intérêt accru aux combattantes kurdes depuis les années 2000 sans toujours s’appuyer sur des données primaires. Afin de comprendre si cet engagement coïncide avec un processus d’émancipation,…
Published: December 2023.
Published: December 2023.
Coordenação: Corpo Editorial da Vibrant Chamada para artigos A Revista Vibrant tem como política, desde o seu nascimento, a publicação […]
Cet article s’intéresse aux relations entre un coach et son groupe de body-builders examinées à la suite d’une enquête ethnographique de longue durée dans une salle de musculation du Sud de la France. Les aspects alimentaires des régimes qui son…
Revista Chilena de Antropología
This article aims to investigate the development of charitable crowdfunding and its impacts on Islamic philanthropy and its social justice trajectory in Indonesia. As the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia has thrived and undergone some leg…
Book review of Patrick Williams, Tsiganes ou ces inconnus qu’on appelle aussi Gitans, Bohémiens, Roms, Gypsies, Manouches, Rabouins, Gens du voyage…, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2022, pp. 601.
Book review of Antonello Ricci, Sguardi lontani: Fotografia ed etnografia nella prima metà del Novecento. Con immagini di Franz Boas, Bronislaw Malinowski, Marcel Griaule, Renato Boccassino, Lamberto Loria e Raffaele Corso, Gregory Bateson e Margaret M…
In this introduction we map the tradition of thoughts and state of the art on the study of finance and financialization in relation to the anthropological Italian debate. We suggest a particular attention towards ethnographic approaches “from the margi…
Book review of Kohei Saito, Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the idea of degrowth communism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 276.
Book review of Serena Olcuire, Indecorose: Sex work e resistenza al governo dello spazio pubblico nella città di Roma, Verona, Ombre corte, 2023, pp. 236.
Book review of Denise Pettinato, Etnografia al bancone: Spazi, corpi, oggetti nelle pratiche del bar, Afterword by Pietro Meloni, Pisa, Pacini, 2022, pp. 231.
Book review of Alessandra Ciucci, The voice of the rural: Music, poetry and masculinity among migrant Moroccan men in Umbria, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2022, pp. 228.
Book review of Gabriella D’Agostino, Vincenzo Matera, eds, Storie dell’antropologia, Milano, UTET, 2022, pp. 635.
Book review of Francesco Apergi, I mezzadri e i trovatelli: Famiglie e senza famiglia nei poderi del Mugello (secoli XIX-XX), Firenze, Società editrice fiorentina, 2023, pp. 108.