Call for papers: Indigenous Peoples, tribunals, prisons, and legal and public processes in Brasil and Canada

Editores do dossiê: Stephen Grant Baines (UnB) e Bruce Granville Miller, University of British Columbia (UBC)   Este dossiê é o resultado do painel, “Indigenous Peoples, tribunals, prisons, and legal and public processes”, coordenado por Stephen G. Baines e Bruce G. Miller, realizado em 23 de novembro de 2019 na Conferência Internacional da CASCA/AAA em […]


I. Introduction
La distinction est un objet classique en sciences sociales depuis au moins Hebert Spencer et nous disposons en la matière de nombreuses traditions analytiques toutes dignes d’attention. Mais lorsque le sujet se voit évoqué,…

Anxieties of Entitlement

Despite the rise of the “moral economy” as a frame for analyzing increasing inequality, few scholars have explored the moral dimensions of elites’ experience and interpretations of their own privilege. Based on in-depth interviews with 50 afflue…