Voces indígenas sobre “tierra adentro”: una aproximación a la territorialidad fronteriza colonial en el área pampeano-norpatagónica

Las extensas llanuras que se desplegaban en la frontera hispano-indígena al sur de la ciudad de Buenos Aires fueron el ámbito de negociaciones sobre los usos de los recursos y los territorios y los sentidos otorgados a ellos por los distintos grupos so…

I’m a Recorder: Interview with Asen Balikci

Asen Balikci was one of the founding fathers of modern visual anthropology. He was part of the generation that established the subdiscipline in the 1950 to 1970s period. Along with Jean Rouch, John Marshall, Robert Gardner, Timothy Asch and others he c…

To Explain Tradition

Tradition has been claimed to be a keyword in the folklore lexicon. Yet the word has not proved central to the thinking of many folklorists. More often, the term is simply used to mark territory. By characterizing certain songs, tales, dances, or custo…