
1 December 2022
In this issue of Varia, we present researchers and their singular approaches that remind us of various perspectives, methods and fields of study in visual anthropology.
The first three articles reveal tensions between…

Relació entre l’educació i el paper de la dona a les comunitats indígenes colombianes.

L’escenari educatiu actual converteix als docents en actors fonamentals, responsables d’incloure progressivament la dona en el desenvolupament i enfortiment de les comunitats indígenes en els sistemes educatius interculturals propis. De la vinculació e…

Problematitzant els feminismes islàmics

Els feminismes islàmics argumenten que el missatge de la revelació alcorànica és garant dels drets de les dones. Aquest article discuteix els feminismes islàmics com a doble resistència: a les estructures colonials i als discursos patriarcals construït…

Revolutionaries as Political Women

The purpose of studying women’s participation in radical movements, as the classical study We Were Making History notes, is ‘an attempt to broaden the history of that struggle by recovering the subjective experience of women, to capture wome…

Covid-19: Medicine and Colonialism, Past and Present

This essay begins in the past, with the hope of developing a different way of thinking through the transformations of the present. Many commentators and media outlets have referred to the era of the Covid-19 pandemic as ‘unprecedented’, but …

NGO Legitimacy as a Continuous Negotiation Process

The article draws on and contributes to debates on the legitimacy of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in development, defining organizational legitimacy as a social construct that is continually negotiated in relationships with diverse aud…

Women’s Multifaceted Citizenship

This article analyses manifestations of women’s citizenship in diverse spaces of everyday participation in the rural districts of Kiboga and Namutumba in Uganda. Building on citizenship studies scholarship, we propose the notion of multifaceted citizen…