Studying Ad Targeting with Digital Methods: The Case of Spotify
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Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
Abstract not available.
No abstract available.
One of the most prominent features of digital music services is the provision of personalized music recommendations that come about through the profiling of users and audiences. Based on a range of “bot experiments,” this article investigates if, and h…
In music streaming services like Spotify, discrete pieces of music no longer has a price, as has traditionally been the case in music retailing, both analog and digital. This article discusses the theoretical and practical implications of this shift to…
Spotify Radio allows users to find new music within Spotify’s vast back-catalogue, offering a potential infinite avenue of discovery. Nevertheless, the radio service has also been disliked and accused of playing the same artists over and over. We decid…
An interesting feature introduced by the International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies since 2012 is Scholarly Viewpoints that showcase opinions, comments, ideas, and viewpoints of well renowned scholars on the Asia Pacific region pertaining to their respective academic discipline. This additional feature will further add value to the journal’s uniqueness as a scholarly journal. Interviews … Continue reading →
The post Scholarly Viewpoints appeared first on INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES.
Series editors: Alessandra Consolaro, Margret Frenz and José Mapril.
This thematic issue is the fifth in a series of issues jointly co-edited by SAMAJ and the European Association for South…
Series editors: Alessandra Consolaro, Margret Frenz and José Mapril.
This thematic issue is the fifth in a series of issues jointly co-edited by SAMAJ and the European Association for South…
No abstract available.
Copies are defined by their relation to an original. The understanding and evaluation of this relationship has been changing over time. A main argument of this article is that originals and copies are phenomena with no “natural” or essential meaning ou…
Paintings in museums might occasionally be replaced by a photoprint mimicking the original. This article is an investigation of what constitutes a good reproduction of an artwork (oil painting) that is meant to be displayed. The article discusses what …
This article discusses copies within the field of art museums by way of mapping strategies for copy practices. This mapping leans heavily towards parts of the wri-tings of Jacques Derrida (1930–2004). Against the backdrop of this theoretical premise, t…
Lists of wonders have circulated for millennia. Over and over, such inventories of spectacular man made constructions have been rewritten, re-edited and reimagi-ned. Both the wonders and the lists of wonders, preferably of the seven, have had a profoun…
This article investigates how a digital turn and digital copies have influenced ideas, roles and authorities within a national museum sector. It asks whether digital mu-seums and their digital reproductions expand and/or challenge a traditional cul-tur…
No abstract available.
Published: April 2017.
Published: April 2017.
Extended deadline for manuscript submission: October 30, 2017 Send manuscripts at For our Winter 2017 issue, we invite research articles and notes that explore how we are being aged from outside the contours of our bodies, through the presence and absence of interaction with others, in materially and technologically organized activities, by living in […]
This paper introduces the interdisciplinary field of Critical Future Studies (CFS). CFS investigates the scope and constraints within public culture for imagining and debating different potential futures. It interrogates imagined futures founded – ofte…
Get PDF: McCartney, Patrick. 2017. Politics beyond the Yoga Mat: Yoga Fundamentalism and the ‘Vedic Way of Life’. Global Ethnographic. Patrick McCartney Visiting Fellow, Australian National University Abstract This article…
Get PDF: McCartney, Patrick. 2017. Politics beyond the Yoga Mat: Yoga Fundamentalism and the ‘Vedic Way of Life’. Global Ethnographic. Patrick McCartney Visiting Fellow, Australian National University Abstract This article…
While overhunting and climate change have been the major hypotheses to explain the late-Pleistocene New World megafaunal extinctions, the role of introduced disease has only received brief attention. Here, we review pre-Columbian diseases endemic t…
While overhunting and climate change have been the major hypotheses to explain the late-Pleistocene New World megafaunal extinctions, the role of introduced disease has only received brief attention. Here, we review pre-Columbian diseases endemic t…
Izdano: prosinca 2016.
Izdano: prosinca 2016.