Chamada: Dossiê “Utopias da Reciclagem e Circularidade”

Antropologia inova seus estudos teóricos e empíricos e denuncia a urgência de uma ordem ecológica. Nessa chamada para artigos, convidamos a pesquisadoras/es que queiram apresentar seus resultados e reflexões sobre experiências de outro mundo possível, já que compartilhamos da narrativa que não há um “Planeta B” e a Pachamama/Mãe terra/Gaia/Planeta Terra é nossa casa. Pesquisas […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
CAES editorial team waits for your contributions for CAES Vol. 8, № 3, that is going to be published in the middle of September 2022.

CAES Vol. 8, № 2

Editor’s foreword Articles: Dating of the Neolithic site of Toksovo by the comparison of frequencies of ornamental imprints on potsherds Alexander Akulov The Neolithic site of Toksovo was discovered in 1926 but has never been properly dated, however, an assemblage of potsherds was picked on it (the site is located in the southern part of […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!

CAES editorial team waits for your articles for CAES Vol. 8, № 2 that is going to be published in early June 2022. The deadline for submission is May 17, 2022.

CAES Vol. 8, № 1

Think pieces: A conclusion about the structure of the winter settlements of Paja Ul Deˀŋ after experiments on making stone axes in the winter period Alexander Akulov Manufacturing of stone axes/adzes was a matter of vital importance for Paja Ul Deˀŋ. In winter boulders are covered with a thin layer of ice, and therefore, before […]

Call for Papers: Dosier temático “Antropologías del gestionar: formas y fórmulas de gobierno en nuestras latitudes”

Organizadoras María Gabriela Lugones – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Facultad de Lenguas María Lucía Tamagnini – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Departamento de Antropología María Cecilia Díaz – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Departamento de Antropología El presente dossier surge de diálogos […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
CAES editorial team waits for your contributions for CAES Vol. 8, N 1 that is going to be published in early March 2022. The deadline for submission is February 15.

CAES Vol. 7, № 4

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Social aspects of Neolithic technology of firing pottery in bonfires Alexander Akulov Firing pottery was one of the most complicated Neolithic technologies since it requires certain natural conditions to be met and the existence of an organized group that could successfully make firing. Such group/team consists of a person that can […]

Chamada: Dossiê Etnografia das Instituições de Governança

Organizadoras: Carla Costa Teixeira[1] (UnB/LEIPP)Emma Crewe[2] (SOAS/GRNPP)Cristiane Brum Bernardes[3] (CEFOR/INCT-DD/GRNPP) Fazer etnografia em centros de poder é um desafio cuja complexidade muitos cientistas sociais, incluindo antropólogos, têm buscado solucionar.[4] Os problemas tradicionais derivados da inserção do antropólogo no seu ambiente de estudo e análise tornam-se mais agudos ou distintos quando nos voltamos para as instituições […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!

CAES editorial team waits for your paper for CAES Vol. 7, № 4 that is going to be published in the middle of December 2021.

The deadline is December 05, 2021.

CAES Vol. 7, № 3

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: The bear stones of Olkhovka Alexander Akulov The complex of sacral stones of Olkhovka is usually dated to the Iron Age and to the Middle Ages. However, there are some facts indicating that the stones could be used by the Neolithic people yet. Finnish/Karelian name of Olkhovka was Lapinlahti (literally: “Sami […]

Manifestação sobre a situação dos periódicos científicos brasileiros

A Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABC), a Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL), a Academia Nacional de Medicina (ANM) e a Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC), entidades que procuram contribuir sempre para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do País, para a educação e para a cultura brasileira, manifestam sua grande preocupação com a […]

Sensations of History: Animation and New Media Art

Reviewed by Stefan Higgins, University of Victoria James J. Hodge. Sensations of History: Animation and New Media Art. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 220 Pages. The task of “pulling back the curtains” on computational technology has …

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!

CAES editorial team calls for your papers for CAES Vol. 7, № 3 that is going to be published in late September 2021.

CAES Vol. 7, № 2

Think pieces: Estimating the degree of resemblance of assemblages of stone axes/adzes Alexander Akulov To estimate the index of resemblance of two collections of stone axes/adzes, it is necessary to compare the following characteristics: 1) the total numbers of items of the compared collections, 2) the distributions of the material of which the items were […]

Call for papers

CAES editorial team waits for your papers for CAES Vol. 7, № 2, that is going to be published in late May – early June 2021. The deadline for submission is May 15.

CAES Vol. 7, № 1

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Northeast Caucasian languages and the Ainu-Minoan stock Alexander Akulov The hypothesis that Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages are related was proposed by S. A. Starostin, however, the methodology used by Starostin (comparison of the so-called basic vocabulary) cannot resolve the question of whether the compared languages are related. The only tool […]

Call for papers: A Antropologia sobre a América Latina e o Caribe na atualidade: Novos Desafios Teóricos e Metodológicos

Coordenadoras:Rebecca Igreja (Universidade de Brasília) – BrasilLaura R. Valladares (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM-I) – México A antropologia feita sobre a América Latina e o Caribe tem uma longa história, que em alguns países remonta a mais de um século, como no caso do México, e vem contando com a expressiva presença de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores […]

Call for papers: Covid-19 in Brazil

Título: A Covid-19 no Brasil Organizadores:Jean Segata (UFRGS) – jeansegata@gmail.comMarcia Grisotti (UFSC) – marcia.grisotti@ufsc.brRozeli Porto (UFRN) – A pandemia da Covid-19 converteu-se em um evento crítico de múltiplas proporções no Brasil. À despeito da mecânica biológica da Covid-19 ser baseada em um vírus com formas de transmissão sensivelmente padronizáveis, os seus efeitos se agravam […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
CAES editors team awaits for your papers for CAES Vol. 7, N 1 that is going to be published in late February 2021.

CAES Vol. 6, № 4

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Alexander Akulov Interpreting the proximity values of potsherds collections received by the Monte Carlo method Alexander Akulov If we are going to learn to what degree the collection of potsherds x belonging to the technocomplex X is close to the collection y belonging to the technocomplex Y, then the degree of […]

Call for papers: Indigenous Peoples, tribunals, prisons, and legal and public processes in Brasil and Canada

Editores do dossiê: Stephen Grant Baines (UnB) e Bruce Granville Miller, University of British Columbia (UBC)   Este dossiê é o resultado do painel, “Indigenous Peoples, tribunals, prisons, and legal and public processes”, coordenado por Stephen G. Baines e Bruce G. Miller, realizado em 23 de novembro de 2019 na Conferência Internacional da CASCA/AAA em […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!CAES editorial team awaits your papers for CAES Vol. 6, № 4 that is going to be published in the middle of December 2020.