Random posts Here are three random posts. Reload the page to get three new ones. The Troublemaker as a Non-intentional Social ActivistThere is a tension in Ricœur’s thinking between the undeniable presence of violence and his trust in a primordial goodness of existence. This tension is linked to Ricœur’s understanding of the human being as ambiguous and fragile, torn between freedom … Toward an Ontology of Peace IIFollowing Part I, this essay (Part II) continues my attempt to develop an ontology of peace by drawing resources from Ricœur’s thought. I begin with Augustine, Dionysius, and Aquinas to show that peace is not contrary to our humanity but is a natural d… Vicky, vida y legado de una mujer y arqueóloga latinoamericanaEn este artículo presentamos una introducción al dossier dedicado a la memoria de Victoria Castro Rojas (1944-2022), destacando su legado en el contexto de las discusiones nacionales e internacionales sobre el aporte de las mujeres al desarrollo cientí…