Molas: Dress, Identity, Culture by Diana Marks, University of New Mexico Press, 2016. 288 pp., notes, references, index.
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Commentary on the Opening Lecture, “A Window into Twenty Years of Amazonianist Anthropology in Peru (1997–2017)” proffered by Jean-Pierre Chaumeil at the XI Salsa conference and featured in the previous volume of Tipití (15:105–117).
En febrero de 2018, Víctor Zorrilla, un hombre Yine de mayor edad que vive en el sudeste de Perú, fue asesinado por los mashco piro mientras estaba cazando. Zorrilla se había encontrado con los mashco piro, los que consideraba como parientes, nomol…
Ofereço a perspectiva da ecologia política para rever e atualizar a política de “isolamento” e “não-contato” com base nos conceitos de soberania e necropolítica, sugerindo uma nova proposta de prática política para situações de conflitos em territó…
Este artigode opiniãoé a transcrição dos comentários de Make Turu, liderança Matis, feitos na SALSAXI Sesquiannual Conference, em Lima. Make Turu cobra a participação e o protagonismoefetivodo movimento indígena nos processos de contato e de proteç…
This commentary introduces the U.S. State Department-sponsored Diplomacy Lab. This program provides interdisciplinary teams of students an opportunity to learn how to directly inform government policy development and implementation. In the project disc…
A key element in teaching the anthropology of im/migration is fostering critical analysis of the discursive frames used in conversations about im/migrants. In this article I describe an in-class activity I use to foster critical thinking about discursi…
The Journey for the American Dream
This article argues for the use of community-engaged learning to teach about migration in anthropology. Using community-engaged learning centers justice-based praxis and builds solidarity by working to dismantle the unjust structures creating migration…
The Im/migrant Ethnographic Portrait Project was designed for introductory cultural anthropology courses and has a threefold aim: 1) to familiarize students with research methods, 2) to facilitate students’ deeper understanding of migration by connecti…
This commentary shares an assignment on family migration stories from an upper-division undergraduate course on global migration. The assignment, which asks students to interview each other about their family migration histories and then analyze their …
Review of Field Notes: A Guided Journal for Doing Anthropology
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7173 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7248 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7235 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7223 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7219 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7206 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7187 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7194 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7162 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7140 URL:
Erschienen: Innsbruck : innsbruck university press, 2019URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubi:4-7150 URL:
Nestled in the Himalayan range of Uttarakhand in India, Kalap may soon have a motorable road. Till then the village continues to be 10 kilometres uphill on foot from the nearest road. The film delves into the lives of the people of Kalap, who for gener…