Povos da terra and originary rights
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
This paper aims to discuss the construction of the “traditional indigenous midwife” category in the context of public health policies on pregnancy, labor and childbirth care in Roraima, Brazil. Based on statements given by indigenous women and men …
We describe the range of different positions assumed by Community Health Workers (CHW) employed to work among the Mundurucu in order to analyze their emergence as new actors in the social field of indigenous health and the implications of CHW parti…
This paper examines the sanitary and sociopolitical impact of the work of a Yanomami Health Agent in the Upper Ocamo area of the Venezuelan Amazonas State, and its relationship with the national health system, and argues that these build up into an…
This article examines how women as primary gatekeepers for well being became involved as health promoters in a local indigenous health care project in the Amazonian region of Madre de Dios, Peru. Here, I provide a case study of the processes and tr…
Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
El texto busca aproximarse a dos posturas con las que el marxismo ha entendido el fenómeno religioso: la primera, conciencia falsa, y la segunda, conciencia utópica. La primera de estas posturas fue desarrollada por los primeros marxistas y cuenta en l…
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Within the context of datafication, participatory surveillance capitalism, and prospering rhetoric about scientific insight from big data exists the practice of data shadow donation. This relational activity refers to the digital gifting of pers…
An introduction to the special issue, this article sets the stage for the essays that compose it. It addresses the transformations that have been taking place in the recent decades in the terrain of image-making, visual culture, visual technolog…
Creating our own image, whether it is in research or in art, is a constant conversation with the images already in our heads. In the case of refugees, these images are shaped by mediatised and politicised realities that obscure the capacity to s…
This article reconfigures and reflects on the author’s visual essay “MOLLusCS + mollUScs” (2019), which assembled narration on human-mollusc correspondences and a series of three black and white photos. With the aim to employ the trope of presen…
Reflecting on the use of different tools within anthropological research and its outcomes, as well as positioning these tendencies within recent debates in the discipline, the article draws attention to the importance of form – the poetics of et…
In 2008, an Indigenous Australian artist based in Melbourne – Maree Clarke (Mutti Mutti/ Wemba Wemba/Boonwurrung) – created a kangaroo-teeth necklace, revivifying an art and cultural practice for the first time in over a century. She was inspire…
Incorporating moving and still images and audio within the text, I examine in this article how site-specific augmented reality (AR) can convey ethnographic research and forms of embodied knowledge through emplacing the audience and engaging thei…
Universitas Humanística
Universitas Humanística
En noviembre de 1961 los Estados Unidos lanzaron el Mercury-Atlas 5 con la intención de lograr su primer vuelo orbital, un hito que ya había sido alcanzado por la Unión Soviética en dos ocasiones. Su pasajero era Enos, un chimpancé de cinco años que no…
El objetivo del artículo consiste en exponer la propuesta de un modelo de análisis desde una mirada antropológica para comprender la segregación socio-espacial a partir de elementos simbólicos y materiales constitutivos del habitar, de ritmos urbanos y…
El artículo presenta un análisis teórico y un conjunto de herramientas conceptuales para identificar y deconstruir críticamente lo que hemos dado en llamar, inspirándonos en Karl Polanyi (1997), las “totalidades ficticias” del debate sobre la crisis am…
La crisis del modelo fordista, la progresiva financiariazación de la economía, la crisis del estado social y el ascenso de una economía post-industrial han llevado a una demanda de mano de obra “flexible” en el contexto de las pequeñas y medianas indus…