Aproximación al debate histórico Postdictadura en Chile: la Unidad Popular a 50 años del Golpe de Estado del 11 de septiembre de 1973

Este trabajo busca aproximarse al relato que responsabiliza a la izquierda chilena del quiebre institucional que terminó en la dictadura cívico militar que lidero Augusto Pinochet. Si tomamos como referencia el caso uruguayo, en lo relativo a la discus…

Filming as a Care Practice

These are three distinct essays that interrogate what happens when the anthropologist studying aging and care envisions their fieldwork through the lens of the video camera and its outputs. The intersection between the anthropology of care/aging…


While we were finalizing this introduction, British media outlets announced the death of the BBC news presenter George Alagiah who passed away, at the age of 60, and nine years after he had been diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer. In one of …

Poor, underprivileged and delinquent minors in Brazil during the transition from Empire to Republic: a historiographical balance

O artigo revisa a bibliografia produzida pela academia brasileira a respeito da menoridade pobre, desvalida e delinquente no Brasil, no período que corresponde ao final do século XIX e começo do século XX. Dentro deste recorte cronológico, o artigo exp…