Carlo Capello, Giovanni Semi, eds, Torino: Un profilo etnografico, Milano, Meltemi, 2018, pp. 268
Book review of Carlo Capello, Giovanni Semi, eds, Torino: Un profilo etnografico, Milano, Meltemi, 2018, pp. 268.
Some of the most recent articles from open access anthropology journals (beta)
Book review of Carlo Capello, Giovanni Semi, eds, Torino: Un profilo etnografico, Milano, Meltemi, 2018, pp. 268.
Book review of Constantin Bărbulescu, Physicians, peasants and modern medicine: Imagining rurality in Romania, 1860-1910, translated by Angela Jianu, Budapest, Central European University Press, 2019, pp. 308.
Book review of Fabiana Dimpflmeier, Il giro lungo di Lamberto Loria: Le origini papuane dell’etnografia italiana, Roma, CISU, 2020, pp. 383.
Book review of Carlo Capello, Ai margini del lavoro: Un’antropologia della disoccupazione a Torino, Verona, Ombre Corte, 2020, pp. 182.
Book review of Jean-Louis Tornatore, ed, Le patrimoine comme expérience: Implications anthropologiques, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2019, pp. 298.
Book review of Silvia Vignato, Le figlie delle catastrofi: Un’etnografia della crescita nella ricostruzione di Aceh, Milano, Ledizioni, 2020, pp. 247.
A note from the Editor-in-chief.
Book review of Giovanni Pizza, L’antropologia di Gramsci. Corpo, natura, mutazione, Roma, Carocci, 2020, pp. 182.
Book review of Caterina Di Pasquale, Antropologia della memoria. Il ricordo come fatto culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, pp. 257.
Book review of Francisco Martínez, ed, Politics of recuperation: Repair and recovery in post-crisis Portugal, London and New York, Bloomsbury, 2020, pp. 256.
Review article of Hadas Weiss, We have never been middle class, London and New York, Verso, 2019, pp. 176; Caitlin Zaloom, Indebted: How families make college work at any cost, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2019, pp. 280.
Book review of Francesco Bachis, Sull’orlo del pregiudizio. Razzismo e islamofobia in una prospettiva antropologica, Cagliari, Aipsa Edizioni, 2018, pp. 174.
A comment on Carlo Ginzburg’s new edition of Il formaggio e i vermi, Milan, Adelphi, 2019, pp. 231. With a note by Carlo Ginzburg.
Labour of Love: An Open Access Manifesto for Freedom, Integrity, and Creativity in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences, is the result of an LSE Research Infrastructure and Investment–funded workshop entitled Academic Freedom, Academic Integ…
In 2018, I conducted research on the application of protection measures for two minority language groups (Cimbrian and Mocheno) in Northern Italian schools. The study aimed at describing linguistic learning programs but it slowly turned into something …
Aside to the demographic screening, a deeper biosocial interest in India can be observed on the scale of groups and subpopulations. Several agencies (university consortia, departments of human forensic genetics), are pursuing the inspection of populati…
This article proposes an ethnographic and anthropological reflection conducted in the context of a sociolinguistic investigation of the linguistic dynamics between locals and asylum seekers in the Aosta Valley. The analysis of language practices involv…
I interpret the pursuit of an Islamic understanding of ideals such as democracy, pluralism and freedom, carried out by the Tunisian Islamic movements after the 2011 revolution, as part of a discursive tradition (Asad 1986) about the “Tunisian specifici…
This article analyses the ritual gukuna (i.e. the elongation of the labia minora) in Rwanda and among the Rwandan diaspora in Italy. This practice – along with the kunyaza (male sexual technique) – is expected to increase sexual pleasure. When I starte…
Book review of Giuseppe Profeta, L’acqua e il vaso nella vascolarità universale, Ortona, Menabò, 2020, pp. 116.
Review article of Anand Pandian, A Possible Anthropology. Methods for Uneasy Times. Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2019, pp. 160; Tim Ingold, Antropologia. Ripensare il mondo, translated by Gaia Raimondi, edited by Matteo Meschiari, Meltemi,…
Book review of Ivan Severi, Quick and dirty. Antropologia pubblica, applicata e professionale, Firenze, editpress, 2019, pp. 308.
Book review of Berardino Palumbo, Piegare i santi. Inchini rituali e pratiche mafiose, Bologna, Marietti, 2020, pp. 176.
A note from the Editor-in-chief.
Vários potentados africanos foram exilados durante a “Partilha da África”. Desde então, algumas imagens de reis e rainhas circularam por diferentes circuitos sociais e ganharam novos significados nos últimos tempos. A partir de algumas fotografias de R…