Ivan Della Mea, Il penultimo comunista, A. Fanelli e M. Scotti (eds), Il de Martino, 29, 2019, pp. 245; E chi può affermare che un sampietrino non fa arte?, Jacopo Tomatis (ed), Il de Martino, 30, 2020, pp. 215

Book review of Ivan Della Mea, Il penultimo comunista. Scritti sulla politica (1993-2009), edited by Antonio Fanelli and Mariamargherita Scotti, Il de Martino. Rivista dell’Istituto Ernesto de Martino per la conoscenza critica e la presenza alternativa…

Reply to comments

Reply to comments on Ernesto De Martino, La fine del mondo. Contributo all’analisi delle apocalissi culturali, new edition, edited by Giordana Charuty, Daniel Fabre and Marcello Massenzio, 2019 [fr. ed. La fin du monde. Essai sur les apocalyp…

Graeber on anarchy

The text presents three of Graeber’s reflections on anarchy, built on an anthropological perspective: the premises of anarchic organizations lay in egalitarianism, the presence of “spaces in between” and in intercultural creativity; the assembly as the…

Health as a common good

The contribution points out how the notion of health as a common good, central in Rita Lima’s interview with Tullio Seppilli, fits within Seppilli’s scientific itinerary in the context of policies and problems relating to health and health care in a gl…