Affective Landscapes, Scenes, and Arrangements

This article discusses the affective dynamics of two interwoven spheres of musical life: on the one hand, the sphere of local musical engagements, often connected to the notion of scene; on the other, the sphere of digital music promotion an…

Muzak, Lo-Fi, and Acoustic Violence

Violence, including acoustic violence, can be remarkably resistant to critique; the semiotic structures upon which scholarly arguments rely may appear, in their representationalism, to have a distancing effect from the sheer materialism of v…


L’any de 1980 va aparèixer el primer número de la revista impresa Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia amb el propòsit de crear un espai de discussió dirigit a antropòlegs i antropòlogues de diverses generacions, sobre temes d’interès disciplin…