‘The Traveller Way’

Although a population recognised externally for their itinerancy, the mobility of Gypsy Travellers in Scotland has been fundamentally misunderstood. Endowed with creative power, mobility exists for Gypsy Travellers not only in times of trans…

The Leith Project

This essay reflects on the politics of abandoned buildings juxtaposed with memorials to a thriving industrial past whilst walking through Leith. I argue that these abandoned buildings reveal capitalism’s inherent obsolescence and counteract …

Who Needs a Man When You Got a Gun?

What does gun ownership mean to armed women in a city in the Midwestern United States? Gun culture is an aspect of American life which has been neglected in anthropological literature. I examine how armed women I met and shot with told me how carrying …

Coming to One’s Senses

My paper is concerned with decolonising contemporary museological practice, specifically in relation to ethnographic collections at the Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver. I propose that display practices can be reformed through Indigenous collaboration…

From ‘Taroosh’ to ‘Tom Jones’

This essay explores how student members of an LGBTQ+ rights organisation discursively navigate queer identifications and concepts of belonging, based on fieldwork conducted in Quezon City, Philippines. I argue that elements of ‘gay lingo’, one of many …


Mobile phone use and social media have become the norm in modern societies around the world. In an attempt to connect with the world out there, people sometimes neglect present time and immediate environments. For some, this is a way ‘in’ and for other…

From ‘Taroosh’ to ‘Tom Jones’

This essay explores how student members of an LGBTQ+ rights organisation discursively navigate queer identifications and concepts of belonging, based on fieldwork conducted in Quezon City, Philippines. I argue that elements of ‘gay lingo’, o…

Who Needs a Man When You Got a Gun?

What does gun ownership mean to armed women in a city in the Midwestern United States? Gun culture is an aspect of American life which has been neglected in anthropological literature. I examine how armed women I met and shot with told me ho…


Mobile phone use and social media have become the norm in modern societies around the world. In an attempt to connect with the world out there, people sometimes neglect present time and immediate environments. For some, this is a way ‘in’ an…

Coming to One’s Senses

My paper is concerned with decolonising contemporary museological practice, specifically in relation to ethnographic collections at the Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver. I propose that display practices can be reformed through Indigenous co…

Producing Truth?

An extract of fieldnotes is presented from the first ethnographic research I participated in: a transect walk with Mormon missionaries on Middle Meadow Walk. In a short reflection I look at some of the issues that arose when leaving the books and lectu…

The Power of Cough Syrup

During my time working at a clinic in rural Haiti, I noticed one of the doctors was engaging in a rather odd practice: prescribing cough syrup at completely inappropriate times. I attempt to analyze such a practice, revealing how it can control how pai…

Producing Truth?

An extract of fieldnotes is presented from the first ethnographic research I participated in: a transect walk with Mormon missionaries on Middle Meadow Walk. In a short reflection I look at some of the issues that arose when leaving the book…

The Power of Cough Syrup

During my time working at a clinic in rural Haiti, I noticed one of the doctors was engaging in a rather odd practice: prescribing cough syrup at completely inappropriate times. I attempt to analyze such a practice, revealing how it can cont…

Work Bitch

  Ballroom culture (created by queer, transgender, black and latinx communities in America) has gained popularity throughout Europe in past decades. These photographs depict the community currently growing ballroom culture in Scotland. This queer …

Talking About Tiny Houses

This piece is a snippet of an interview from a larger research project titled: “The Social Practice of Living and Travelling in Small Mobile Living Structures”. Using a style popularised by Studs Terkel in his book ‘Working’ (1974), I have used the int…

Work Bitch

  Ballroom culture (created by queer, transgender, black and latinx communities in America) has gained popularity throughout Europe in past decades. These photographs depict the community currently growing ballroom culture in Scotland. …