Humanitarian Aid, Security and Ethics

The article examines the relationship between humanitarianism, security, and ethics in the case of the provision of medical humanitarian aid by Israel to casualties from the Syrian civil war, between 2013 and 2018. We argue that this humanitarian proje…

La estrategia multicultural para la renovación de los museos de antropología ¿Hacia museos más sociales? El caso del Museo Nacional de Antropología

Con la aparición en la década de los 80 de la teoría poscolonial y con la irrupción de las comunidades históricamente representadas en los museos como agentes con intereses y reivindicaciones propias, los museos de antropología, surgidos en plena expan…

On the Spectacle of Walking

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, in the face of the 21-day nation-wide lockdown imposed in India since 22 March 2020, the migrant worker has become the focal point of public discourse. With public transports being cancelled and the inter-state borders seale…

Fixing Inequalities in Time

Precarity and uncertainty are a key axis of inequality; yet these are not problems in or of time. They are experiences generated by the forms of financialised speculation that have eroded long term planning for the public good since the late 1980-90s. …