Rethinking Diabetes

This review explores Emily Mendenhall’s book, “Rethinking Diabetes: Entanglements With Trauma, Poverty, and HIV” which cross-culturally examines diabetes. Mendenhall’s use of case study narratives to flesh-out her use of syndemic theory in the explorat…

Re-placing Race in the Public Space

In this article I engage with the un- and re-making of monuments in the context of the globalization and mediatization of Black Lives Matter and anti-racist activism. I analyze in particular two examples that display transcultural negotiations of antir…


Recently, scholars have paid increased attention to affect as a structuring principle of political life, aesthetic engagement, cultural practice, and social formation (Ahmed 2010, Brown et al. 2019, Lutz 2017, Neuman 2007, Papoulias and Call…


In this Afterword, I use the observations from the special issue ‘Music, Affect and Politics’ to discuss what I see are recurring questions in the studies of music and affect: (1) the tension between new materialism and historical materialis…

“The Usual Antisocial Protocol”

This article considers experience narratives of “dålig stämning” (bad atmosphere and unease) in Swedish workplaces. The aim of this article is to show how office-employees in Sweden experience, negotiate and understand bad atmosphere and unease in thei…

The Wireless Set

Like many island communities, residents of the Orkney Islands, Scotland are acutely aware of the urban-rural dynamic at play in our ever-globalised world. This character-driven film comes as a contribution to an ongoing conversation – one concerning he…

Knots and Holes

Nets are all around us. They materialize such principles as connecting, filtering and patterning. Which is why we might want to have a closer look at what people do with them — and what they do with people. In Bahia, Brazil, I travelled to places wher…

A Peaceful Place / Un Abri Paisible

More than one million people form the Central African Republic (CAR) have fled their homes since the beginning of a new civil war in 2013. This film follows newborn Elias and his extended family over a period of four years, as they are trying to start …

Flâneurs – Street Rambles

Between film projects and following the birth of his daughter, a Canadian in Paris (Matthew Lancit) must confront his slacker lifestyle and decide if there is something in it worth passing on to the next generation, or if he is better off getting a job…

Teaching and Learning Urban Anthropology in Bosnia-Herzegovina

In the summer of 2019, two professors led seven students from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, in a high impact immersive learning course in urban anthropology in Bosnia-Herzegovina. They spent a week each in three different cities: the multie…