Learning to Think Like an Anthropologist? Toward Understanding Student Acquisition of Anthropological Perspectives in Online vs. Face-to-Face Anthropology of Education Courses

In recent years, online approaches to teaching anthropology have become popular in higher education. In this exploratory account, we consider how student understanding of anthropological ideas differed in online vs. face-to-face modalities of an anthro…

Assisted Dying as Intimate Care

How does asking loved ones to help you die, to help you commit suicide, bend the limits of our relationships and perhaps of care itself? This paper traces the aesthetic and affective considerations of those deciding to die resist against depersonalizin…

A political ecology of shifting commons in the Pyrenees: Shepherds on the edge of production and amenity-based capitalism after the reintroduction of bears

The brown bear reintroduction program in the Pyrenees was launched in 1996, once their population was considered extinct in the central parts of the mountain range. The increasing number of livestock casualties caused by bear attacks forced the public …