CAES Vol. 8, № 1

Think pieces: A conclusion about the structure of the winter settlements of Paja Ul Deˀŋ after experiments on making stone axes in the winter period Alexander Akulov Manufacturing of stone axes/adzes was a matter of vital importance for Paja Ul Deˀŋ. In winter boulders are covered with a thin layer of ice, and therefore, before […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
CAES editorial team waits for your contributions for CAES Vol. 8, N 1 that is going to be published in early March 2022. The deadline for submission is February 15.

CAES Vol. 7, № 4

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Social aspects of Neolithic technology of firing pottery in bonfires Alexander Akulov Firing pottery was one of the most complicated Neolithic technologies since it requires certain natural conditions to be met and the existence of an organized group that could successfully make firing. Such group/team consists of a person that can […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!

CAES editorial team waits for your paper for CAES Vol. 7, № 4 that is going to be published in the middle of December 2021.

The deadline is December 05, 2021.

CAES Vol. 7, № 3

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: The bear stones of Olkhovka Alexander Akulov The complex of sacral stones of Olkhovka is usually dated to the Iron Age and to the Middle Ages. However, there are some facts indicating that the stones could be used by the Neolithic people yet. Finnish/Karelian name of Olkhovka was Lapinlahti (literally: “Sami […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!

CAES editorial team calls for your papers for CAES Vol. 7, № 3 that is going to be published in late September 2021.

CAES Vol. 7, № 2

Think pieces: Estimating the degree of resemblance of assemblages of stone axes/adzes Alexander Akulov To estimate the index of resemblance of two collections of stone axes/adzes, it is necessary to compare the following characteristics: 1) the total numbers of items of the compared collections, 2) the distributions of the material of which the items were […]

Call for papers

CAES editorial team waits for your papers for CAES Vol. 7, № 2, that is going to be published in late May – early June 2021. The deadline for submission is May 15.

CAES Vol. 7, № 1

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Northeast Caucasian languages and the Ainu-Minoan stock Alexander Akulov The hypothesis that Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages are related was proposed by S. A. Starostin, however, the methodology used by Starostin (comparison of the so-called basic vocabulary) cannot resolve the question of whether the compared languages are related. The only tool […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!
CAES editors team awaits for your papers for CAES Vol. 7, N 1 that is going to be published in late February 2021.

CAES Vol. 6, № 4

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Alexander Akulov Interpreting the proximity values of potsherds collections received by the Monte Carlo method Alexander Akulov If we are going to learn to what degree the collection of potsherds x belonging to the technocomplex X is close to the collection y belonging to the technocomplex Y, then the degree of […]

Call for papers

Dear Colleagues!CAES editorial team awaits your papers for CAES Vol. 6, № 4 that is going to be published in the middle of December 2020.

CAES Vol. 6, № 3

Think pieces: Substrate lexis of Kildin Sami interpreted through languages belonging to the Western branch of the Ainu-Minoan stock: some notes on the language of Paja ul deˀŋ Alexander Akulov In Kildin Sami there are about 30 words which have no convincing Finno-Ugric/Uralic (or any other) etymologies. 8 of them can be interpreted through languages […]

Call for papers

CAES editorial team calls for your papers for CAES Vol. 6, № 3, that is going to be published in the second half of September 2020. The deadline for submission is August 17, 2020.

CAES Vol. 6, № 2

Editor’s foreword Articles: Buyeo group and Manchu Alexander Akulov In this paper the question of relatedness of the Manchu language and Buyeo group is resolved by Verb Grammar Correlation Index (VGCI). The method supposes a direct comparison of really existing/existed languages. The method is based on the idea that language is ordered pair <A; Ω> […]

CAES Vol. 6, № 1

Think pieces: An attempt to compare the logboat found by A. A. Inostrantsev with some logboats of Neolithic and Early Metal Ages found in Europe Alexander Akulov As far as a the logboat found by Inostrantsev in the southern coast of Lake Ladoga has not been dated properly yet by carbon-14 method, so in the […]

CAES Vol. 5, № 4

Editor’s foreword Articles: Stone adzes and axes found by A. A. Inostrantsev on the southern coast of Lake Ladoga in the context of the stone industry of some other Neolithic sites in the neighborhood of Saint Petersburg Alexander Akulov Visiting the location where the New Syas and New Svir canals were being dug A. A. […]

CAES Vol. 5, № 3

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Comparing ornaments of Volosovo and Lyalovo potteries by Monte Carlo method Alexander Akulov The technocomplex of Volosovo is supposed to be a continuation of Lyalovo technocomplex. In this paper degree of similarity of potteries of Volosovo and Lyalovo is estimated by Monte Carlo method. Have been taken two sets of potsherds […]

CAES Vol. 5, № 2

Think pieces: Comparing ornaments of the Pit-Comb Ware from the site of Okhta 1 and the sites of Hepojarvi and Toksovo by Monte Carlo method Alexander Akulov The sites of Hepojarvi, Toksovo and Okhta 1 are connected by the Okhta river, so they could belong to the same local group. In order to estimate the […]

CAES Vol. 5, № 1

Editor’s foreword Articles: Comparison ornaments of the Pit-Comb Ware from some Neolithic sites of the Southern part of Karelian Isthmus by Monte Carlo method   Alexander Akulov Monte Carlo method estimates the degree of proximity of ornaments of ceramics by comparing frequencies of imprints: the higher is the correlation degree the closer are corresponding ornamental traditions. […]

CAES Vol. 4, № 4

Editor’s foreword Articles: Comparing Çatalhöyük with the palace of Knossos by matrix-vector method Alexander Akulov Çatalhöyük and the palace of Knossos look much alike: they both seem to be samples of the same architectural tradition. Matrix-vector method represents the plan of any building as a 3D vector and allows estimating degree of resemblance of any […]

An important notification

Dear Colleagues!
Publishing in CAES is basically free, however, if your paper requires serious editing or if it requires translation, then you should make a donation of 50 to 100 US dollars, depending on the volume of your article.

CAES Vol. 4, № 3

Editor’s foreword Think pieces: Traces of Yeniseian people upon the East  European plain  Alexander Akulov In North and central part of the East European plain there are many hydronyms which are usually supposed to be of Finno-Ugric origin, but actually can’t be sufficiently explained through any of existing Finno-Ugric language. These hydronyms can be subdivided […]